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Purple Heart Trail

Posted On: 06/17/2019


SENECA FALLS, N.Y. – Generations will dedicate a Purple Heart Memorial Path at its Headquarters on 20 East Bayard Street, Seneca Falls on August 20, 2019 at 9:00 AM.

"While in Frisco, Texas visiting a Veterans’ Memorial Park, I noticed that Frisco was designated a Purple Heart City", said Menzo Case, Generations President & CEO. "I did some research and found that any town or city can have the same designation. We are hopeful that the Seneca Falls Town Council will pass a resolution that will designate Seneca Falls a Purple Heart Town."

The Purple Heart is a military decoration awarded to members of the United States Armed Services who were wounded or killed while serving. 

To honor the spirit of the resolution Generations will dedicate a Purple Heart Memorial Path at their Headquarters in Seneca Falls. Senator Pam Helming, Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb and others are scheduled to participate in the ceremony. 

"Throughout our nation’s history, thousands of men and women have proudly served in the U.S. military. As the daughter of a U.S. Air Force veteran and the mother-in-law of a current U.S. Army solider, I have the utmost respect and admiration for our veterans and our service members. With that in mind, I am proud to work with the Town of Seneca Falls and Generations Bank to take the steps needed to designate Seneca Falls as a Purple Heart Town and dedicate a Purple Heart Memorial Path. This path will pay tribute to local veterans who received the Purple Heart and were wounded or killed while serving and sacrificing on behalf of our nation. This path will forever stand as a monument to all of those who have defended our freedom, protected our way of life, and kept our world safe. Thank you to Menzo Case and his team at Generations Bank as well as the Town of Seneca Falls for your outstanding support for our veterans," Senator Pam Helming said.

"Our military heroes have earned our gratitude and respect. I am honored to participate in this community event highlighting the selfless sacrifices made by so many brave Americans," said Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C-Canandaigua). "Seneca Falls, steeped in rich tradition and history, is an excellent location for the Purple Heart Memorial Path. This will stand as a reminder of the great men and women who have served our country so courageously. I would like to personally thank Generations Bank for spear-heading and investing in this wonderful initiative."

Community members are welcomed to have a stone placed in the Purple Heart Memorial Path for a veteran awarded the Purple Heart. Generations will cover the cost of the first 30 path stones. Once the first 30 stones have been claimed, Generations will assist those interested in obtaining additional stones for placement in the Path. There is no requirement that the veteran be from or live in the area. To enroll a veteran that received the Purple Heart, fill out the form at


About Generations

Generations partners with businesses, municipalities and residents across the Finger Lakes Region and Western New York to offer banking, insurance, and investment services. Founded in 1870 and headquartered in Seneca Falls, Generations serves the community from 10 retail locations in Seneca Falls, Auburn, Union Springs, Waterloo, Geneva, Phelps, Farmington, Albion and Medina. Generations was named to CNY Business Journal’s Best Places to Work in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

In addition to traditional business and consumer deposit services, Generations focuses on residential mortgages, as well as manufactured home, automobile, home equity, commercial, non-residential real estate and construction loans. The organization also serves the broader needs of the Finger Lakes area and Western New York through its insurance business, Generations Agency and financial planning and brokerage services offered by Generations Investment Services. For more information, visit

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